International Tang Soo Do Federation

Choong Jae Nim Cup Championship: Toluca, MEXICO
Posted December 17, 2016
Mexico held their annual Choong Jae Nim Cup Championship in Toluca, Mexico on December 2nd through December 4th, 2016. Here are a few words from International Tang Soo Do Federation's Technical Advisory Committee Chairman, Master Y. D. Kim, "I would like to thank ITF Mexico for the tremendous Tang Soo Do spirit and attitude demonstrated by all the students and families. Special appreciation to the host, Master Giovanni Sastre, for putting together the successful seminar, championship and examination events. Also, thank you to Masters Adrian Mendieta, Benito Morales and Rene Mendieta for making ITF Mexico strong. It was a pleasure to speak on behalf of the International Tang Soo Do Federation to the Toluca Media about the federation and Tang Soo Do. Good luck in the future to everyone in ITF Mexico. Tang Soo!"
Master Y. D. Kim
International Tang Soo Do Federation
Technical Advisory Committee Chairman
Seminars and Open Championship: Coyhaique, Chile
Posted November 10, 2016
On October 14th - 16th, special events were held in Coyhaique, Chile for the first time for the International Tang Soo Do Federation in which Master Y. D. Kim, Chairman of the Technical Advisory Committee, and Master Mark Pagano, member of the Technical Advisory Committee were in attendance. On October 14th, a special seminar was held for Master Americos Marcos Diaz and the ITF Chile Instructors. Master Diaz hosted the Chile Open Championships on October 15th, in which Masters Y. D. Kim and Mark Pagano conducted Gup and Black Belt Seminars immediately following the championship. Black Belt examinations were then held on October 16th. A lot of gratitude and congratulations to Master Americos Marcos Diaz and his ITF Chile students and their families for making the visit memorable to not only Masters Y. D. Kim and Pagano, but the rest of the ITF. Tang Soo!

European Masters + Black Belt Seminars + Testing
Posted November 10, 2016
On October 28th - 30th, seminars and testing were held for Masters and Black Belts from the United Kingdom, Germany and Portugal. These events were held in Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom and were hosted by Masters Wynford Williams and Richard Hellings. Master Y. D. Kim, Chairman of the ITF Technical Advisory Committee, along with Masters Annette Salles (Germany) and Cristina Costa (Portugal) both of whom are also members of the ITF Technical Advisory Committee were in attendance and gave their support. The Masters Seminar was held on October 29th with the Instructors and Black Belt Seminars following immediately after. The European Masters' Recertification and Black Belt Examinations took place on October 30th. A lot of hard work and Tang Soo Do spirit from all of the ITF Europe members was extremely appreciated.
Tang Soo!
Sun, Surf and Tang Soo Do
Posted June 8, 2016
On May 21, 2016, "the PTSDA Karate recently hosted a special beach training class in Pensacola, Florida. ITF Masters, Black Belts and students travelled as far as Louisiana to experience this unique training opportunity. Everyone worked hard and displayed good Tang Soo spirit throughout the rigorous hour and a half training.
A special Thank you to Master Kennedy, Master Barker, Mr. Buddy and Mrs. Kennedy for showing their support at the event. The PTSDA Karate is also grateful to all the Central Karate and Zachary Karate students and families that came out to the event.
After the exciting training, families and students spent the day enjoying the beautiful beaches on the Gulf of Mexico."
Master Chris DuFour
Technical Advisory Committee Secretary

Photos courtesy of Master Chris DuFour
In April 2016, Mr. Christain Clarke of Fenton Karate in Michigan achieved his black belt at the age of 69-1/2 years old. As stated by his instructor, Master Anthony Husted, "It brought me great joy to promote Mr. Clarke to Black Belt. Mr. Clarke has great Tang Soo Do spirit and Attitude. It just goes to show those who think they are too old to participate that anything is possible if you try." Congratulations to Mr. Christain Clarke for your achievement. Below is a short biography of Mr. Clarke.
Black Belt Achievement
Posted May 19, 2016

Shown from left to right: Master Kerry Roudebush, Master Robert Venturino, Master Mark Pagano, Master YD Kim, Master Joe Bruno, Master Dean Kelly, Master Ed Shakoske and Master Chris DuFour
Photo Courtesy of Master Chris DuFour

"The International Tang Soo Do Federation Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) has been hard at work this past weekend (May 13-14) in Pensacola, FL. The TAC was working together on standardization and preparing to run a successful World Championship this summer in Washington, D.C. Our Chairman, Master Y. D. Kim, kept the Technical Committee on task throughout the entire weekend. They were also blessed to have the guidance and direction of our Federation's General Secretary, Master Bruno. He ensured that the team were all uniform with our Traditional Tang Soo Do Forms and Requirements. It was a very positive weekend
of training. Thank you to all of our ITF TAC members for their continued dedication and support to help improve the International Tang Soo Do Federation. We look forward to seeing everyone this summer at the ITF World Championship. TANG SOO!!!"
Master Chris DuFour
Technical Advisory Committee Secretary
A special thank you also goes to Master Chris DuFour for hosting the TAC Meeting.
Technical Advisory Committee Meeting
Posted May 18, 2016
Brown's Martial Arts Grand Opening
Posted April 27, 2016
Brown's Martial Arts in East Point, Georgia held their offical Grand Opening on April 16th. In addition to the ribbon cutting ceremony, a special class for all students was conducted. The following masters from ITF were in attendance for this memorable occassion: ITF Technical Advisory Chairman Master Y. D. Kim (TX), ITF Technical Advisory Committee Secretary Master Chris DuFour (FL), Master LaBaron Brown (GA), Master Ed Shakoske (NC) and Master Sean Kennedy (LA). Congratulations to Master LaBaron Brown on his new school!
Photos courtesty of Brown's Martial Arts.

Regional Black Belt Testing: Central Karate Louisiana
Posted April 27, 2016
Black Belt testing was held on April 9, 2016 and hosted by Master Sean Kennedy at Central Karate Louisiana where students from Louisiana, Texas and Florida tested. The testing was a meaningful event for not only those who tested, but also because it gave an opportunity for many Masters and students from different states to see Central Karate Louisiana's new school. The following instructors from varying states attended: ITF Technical Advisory Committee Chairman Master Y. D. Kim (TX), ITF Technical Advisory Committee Secretary Master Chris DuFour (FL), Master Rick Garwood (TX), Master Sean Kennedy (LA), Master Ed Shakoske (NC), Master Rolando Leon (TX) and Kyo Sa NIm Ince (TX).
Photos courtesy of Central Karate Louisiana.

Central Karate Louisiana Grand Opening
Posted February 24, 2016
Congratulations to Central Karate Louisiana on the Grand Opening of their new location! The International Tang Soo Do Federation wishes Central Karate Louisiana much success.
Photos courtesy of Central Karate Louisiana.

Thank You
Posted January 8, 2016
Thank you to Phuong Doan for donating $200 towards the building of the International Tang Soo Do Federation Training Center.